Saturday 18 February 2012

Not sure? Be reassured with ASSURE!


The NETS*T standard which applies to this assignment would be 1A, Technology Operations and Concepts. According to this standard, “students demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology” (NETS*T 2011). Therefore, through incorporating the use of a digital spreadsheet into my lesson plan, I believe I have demonstrated knowledge, skills, and understanding of this particular concept. With a little editing and revising, I think my lesson plan could be more challenging if I had chosen another disability aside from autism. For this lesson plan, I decided to concentrate on autism as a disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, autism is “characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior” (NINDS 2012). In order to accommodate this student, I needed to ensure that a one-to-one aide was present during instruction time to assist the child with the activity, for instance, if the student was not capable to staying focused during the lesson.
The best part about this assignment was being able think outside-the-box. It allowed me to open my mind to a whole new world – a world I have no experience in. I enjoyed the fact that creating a lesson plan allows you (as the student) to have structure and organization, instead of chaos and unpreparedness. Being that this is my first time creating a lesson, I did not like the moments when I felt like I could not accomplish this assignment. Usually, I am capable of carrying out assignments; however, creating a lesson plan actually threw me away. Thankfully, Dr. Cyrus introduced the ASSURE model. This model, along with the guidance of a few friends, has helped me with this assignment. Overall, I strongly believe that creating lesson plans, while incorporating the ASSURE model will greatly benefit me in the future as I embark on a journey toward becoming an educator. With the understanding of how to create a lesson plan, I now understand the benefits of doing so. Lesson plans are ideal for keeping things in an orderly fashion.


International Society for Technology in Education.  Retrieved February 18, 2012 from

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.  Retrieved February 18, 2012 from

1 comment:

  1. Hi:
    Remember to format your BLOG using the BLOG tools. This is NOT a MS Word document!

